Perky Pinks produces realistic adhesive silicone nipples for women who have undergone a bilateral mastectomy. Each of our luxury prosthetic nipples are hand made to look like real nipples. Perky Pinks prosthetic nipples can help restore your body image after surgery.
Combo Deal - Perky Pinks
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Perky Pinks / Combo Deal

Combo Deal

Remover Solution (50 ml) & Adhesive (10ml)


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Our remover solution (50 ml) is used to remove the nipple from the breast as the adhesive bond is too strong to simply pull off, without the aid of the remover solution.  When using the remover solution the nipple will simply slide off.

Our adhesive (10ml) is used to apply the nipple firmly against the breast. Our adhesive is waterproof and can hold the nipple securely in place for up to 5 days depending on your skin’s pH level. Our adhesive is vegan and was not tested on animals. Our adhesive is FDA approved and formulated to use on sensitive skin. Shipping Included

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Remover Solution 50ml & Adhesive 10ml


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