Perky Pinks produces realistic adhesive silicone nipples for women who have undergone a bilateral mastectomy. Each of our luxury prosthetic nipples are hand made to look like real nipples. Perky Pinks prosthetic nipples can help restore your body image after surgery.
.Gallery3. - Perky Pinks
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Linda Warren*

Wow I am impressed. I'm using the new colour you sent me and I love it. I actually forget they are there. It's a new me and it looks so amazing and natural. It's unbelievable. So of course wherever I go now I have my Perky Pinks box with me. And the packaging is gorgeous. It's really amazing 🙂


Names have been changed in order to to keep identities confidential

Magda Botha*

It is my second day wearing my new “miracle nipples”. I cannot believe how real they look and feel. It’s absolutely amazing! I am so grateful, Thank you!


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Chantelle Swanepoel*

Perky Pinks are a great alternative to nipple tattooing.


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Natasha Botha*

Ek gebruik Perky Pinks se tepel prosteses en is baie beĂŻndruk met die sagte, natuurlike voorkoms van die prostese. Ek stort en oefen daarmee en sal dit regtig aanbeveel.


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Riana Du Toit*

Really comfortable and lightweight. I forgot I was wearing them! I will recommend Perky Pinks to anyone.


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Cindy Chambers*

I was so impressed with the adhesive capability of the product! I wear my Perky Pinks with confidence that they are secure.


Names have been changed in order to to keep identities confidential
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