Perky Pinks produces realistic adhesive silicone nipples for women who have undergone a bilateral mastectomy. Each of our luxury prosthetic nipples are hand made to look like real nipples. Perky Pinks prosthetic nipples can help restore your body image after surgery.
.FAQ. - Perky Pinks
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Perky Pinks prosthetic nipples can help restore your body image after surgery.
Why consider nipple prosthesis over reconstructive nipple surgery?

In many cases, reconstructive nipple surgery is not the best choice, primarily due to these reasons:

  • The reconstructed breast skin may be too tight or damaged by radiation thus not suitable for ANY additional surgery.
  • In many cases, a long time needs to pass until the nipple reconstruction surgery can be performed, since the breast has to be fully healed.
  • Both the reconstructed nipple and the tattoo are not durable. In many cases the reconstructed nipple collapses and the tattoo starts fading after one year
  • With reconstructive nipple surgery there is a chance of nipple necroses (the reconstructive nipple dying due to poor blood supply).
Is Perky Pinks prosthetic nipples safe to use?

Perky Pinks prosthetic nipples were thoroughly tested by women before being introduced to the market. The prosthetic nipple & adhesive were tested to ensure that it is non-irritant, nontoxic and non-reactive. In all cases, the prosthetic nipple & adhesive successfully passed these tests. The medical-grade adhesive is FDA licensed, cruelty free and vegan. Up until now, our prosthetic nipples have achieved high levels of customer satisfaction in several categories with very few reports on skin irritation or allergic reactions. However in the unlikely event that you experience an unusual skin reaction, immediately stop use and seek medical attention.

I have sensitive skin, how do I know the adhesive won’t cause a rash?

It would be rare to have a skin irritation. Our adhesive and remover liquid is formulated for sensitive skin. The adhesive supplied has been carefully tested by independent labs for safety. However we do encourage women with sensitive skin, radiated skin or thin skin over implants to use shorter first time wear to verify skin condition. If you notice skin irritation, discontinue use. Contact your doctor if it doesn’t resolve or gets worse. We appreciate you letting us know if you experience any difficulty with skin sensitivity.

What if the adhesive won’t hold the nipple?

For most women, the adhesive holds for several days without retouching (…and for some even more than that). If you feel the adhesive doesn’t hold as well as expected, please try the following steps:

  1. ALWAYS wipe the skin area with isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) very thoroughly and vigorously to leave the skin as clean as possible. Let this thoroughly dry before applying the nipple. It is not highly recommended, but you can rub the backside of the prosthesis with a little bit of rubbing alcohol to make sure that all excess oils are removed from the prosthetitc nipple.
  2. Apply the adhesive to both sides to be bonded – on the skin area as well as on the back side of the nipple prosthesis. The adhesive will dry in seconds so work fast and thorough. Carefully press the 2 surfaces together – it will be extremely tacky so you must have care in placing these properly on the first contact. Apply pressure on the nipple prosthesis now placed on the skin.
  3. Afterwards check that the edges are firmly placed onto the skin and sealed so that water won’t come in underneath the prosthesis when showering. If the edges are not sticking firmly on the breast, just touch up with adhesive and re-apply pressure on the edges again.

Please note Pink Perfect holds no liability for any side effects which may occur due to improper adhesive usage or allergic reactions to our adhesive or remover liquid..
Since the adhesive provides a strong bondage for a long period, it is advisable to take the prosthetic off every two weeks or so for a day or two to let the breast skin breathe & refresh.



Will my medical aid pay for Perky Pinks prosthetic nipples?

Yes. Generally, most medical aids do pay except for Bestmed and Profmed. We will handle medical aid claims on your behalf.  Please contact The M-Store or Perky Pinks before ordering as we first need to get authorization from your medical aid. Another price is applicable when claimed by medical aid.

I do not have a medical aid, can I get a special price?

Yes. Perky Pinks understands that a lot of women’s medical aids are exhausted after treatment. We therefore give clients the option of paying the special price of R1999 for clients who prefer buying directly from the website.

I am going for a mastectomy and the doctor says that they will have to remove my nipple(s). Can I have a copy made of my existing nipples before I go for the mastectomy?

Yes. Perky Pinks and the M-store have partnered up to create custom nipples. You can purchase an impression kit from your nearest M-store to have a copy made of your natural nipple(s). A copy is made by a trained female professional. Please note that the price of custom made nipples differ, extra charges apply.

I have undergone a unilateral mastectomy. Can I have a copy made of my natural existing nipple?

Absolutely! A copy can be made with the impression kit of your natural existing nipple. Your impression will then be colour matched to get a colour that is closest to your natural colour. Please contact Perky Pinks for further details on custom nipples.

How does the prosthetic nipple attach to the body?

Our prosthetic is provided with an FDA registered medical adhesive which has been fully tested with our prostheses during normal day-to-day activities. The adhesive is waterproof and can hold the prosthetic for up to several days (depending on your skin’s PH level and moisture level.) When you feel your prosthetic has become loose, you can apply a bit of adhesive on the loose edges using your application brush supplied with your kit or you can take it off with the remover solution, clean it, spread a new layer of adhesive and reapply it. You can do it as many times as you like.

Please ALWAYS make sure that the prosthetic nipple is COMPLETELY SEALED with adhesive underneath the edges of the prosthesis and use the remover solution when removing the prosthesis!

Please note, our new remover solution must be placed in the microwave for 30sec (to liquify).

How do I apply prosthetic nipples

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Can I take a shower or use the pool while wearing Perky Pinks Prosthetic Nipples?

Of course! Our prosthetic is safe to use in water thanks to our waterproof adhesive. It will stay secure and firmly against the breast and won’t move when doing normal water activities such as swimming.

For how long can I wear the nipple prosthesis?

If you follow the steps on how to apply the prosthesis nipples correctly, the prosthesis on average lasts around 4-5 days before any touch up for the edges is needed (which only takes a few seconds). For some women it will even last longer than that, it all depends on your skin’s PH level and how naturally oily your skin is.

That being said the adhesive is extremely strong. You will never have to worry about Perky Pinks nipple prosthesis simply just falling off as a special remover needs to be used to remove your Perky Pinks prosthesis.

Since our adhesive provides a strong bondage for a long period, it is advisable to take the prosthetic off every few days or so for a day or two to let the breast skin breathe & refresh.

How long will the nipple prosthesis last?

It depends on how well you look after your prosthetic, how much adhesive you use, if you always use the remover solution etc. The prosthetic in combination with our adhesive can last anything from 3 to 14 months. After our research we have learned that women prefer a very strong hold of the prosthetic, our adhesive provides exactly this and is dependable.

The prosthesis will undergo wear and tear as time goes by, but will still be wearable. Women also vary greatly in their preferences. Some might want to purchase a new pair every 4 months, but the prosthesis will still adhere well.

Please always take care when removing and cleaning your prosthesis. Always use the remover liquid provided.

I use a breast form. Can Perky Pinks be used on breast forms?

Yes. Perky Pinks is safe to adhere onto breast forms.

I had a unilateral mastectomy, can I have a copy made of my natural existing nipple?

Yes. Perky Pinks and the M-store have partnered up to create custom nipples. You can purchase an impression kit from your nearest M-store to have a copy made of your natural existing nipple. A copy is made by a trained female professional. Please note that the price of custom made nipples differ, extra charges apply.

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